Something to think about… later

Some people get inspiration from anything…

    • a smell
    • a random moment
    • a person
    • a look
    • a touch
    • an object
    • a picture
    • etc.
    • etc.
    • etc.

Well, the inspiration for this post came from a candy (ring-pop) I have in my room… the problem is, that it’s been there for awhile *it’s still ant free*. Anyways, I won that candy in a Baby Shower and it’s not that I don’t like that candy, the problem is that I do, a lot but I was always waiting for the ‘perfect’  moment to eat it. So, one day I saw the candy and thought “I’m in the mood for a ring-pop”  but when I saw the expiration date, it was past overdue. So then, I sat down and started thinking: I should’ve had that candy long time ago but instead I kept waiting and waiting and now I don’t get to eat my candy. I realized that I tend to do this a lot in life, and I bet that you do too…

We have something to do, to say, to get, to eat, to write… but we always leave it for later. Either because we’re lazy to do it now or we are waiting for the ‘perfect moment’ or we’re afraid. As silly as it may sound, that ring-pop taught me a valuable lesson. There is no better moment than right now. Yea, yeah, yeah, we are tired of hearing it. I know I was but I didn’t realize how true it was when that happened. Of course I wasn’t weeping about a ring-pop, I could just go to the supermarket and get one. But I started thinking about all the moments that went away, the ones I can’t get back. In life, there’s no supermarket where you can go and purchase a “second chance”  or a two for a prize of one “trip”  or a half of “I love you too.”  It’s not often we get second chances, sometimes it’s even a miracle we get a first chance. So, my advice to you, is to stop waiting, to stop running away, to stop procrastinating and start taking every opportunity life gives you. Don’t wait for its due date.

So, at the risk of sounding Cliché: Carpe Diem =) 


P.S. That Ring Pop was DELICIOUS… =)

Yay! My first Blog!

ok… I’m new at this… I’ve never had a blog, though I have to admit I’ve thought about getting one several times. Why now, you might ask. Well, I have this friend who has a blog and she gets in touch with lots of authors through their blogs and also wins lots of free books, and that seemed like a good enough reason to have a blog. But then I started thinking… I want to be a writer and I have plenty of things in my head and nowhere to express them, so I thought a blog could be a good place… I must mention that I have tried keeping a diary and that has failed many times. Maybe, all I need is a different way of writing… Although, this is like the third time I’ve written this same blog, so maybe what I need is commitment… dunno… =P

Ok… this is it… my first blog! Hope it won’t be the last! >-<

P.S. The friend I mentioned before is Alannah... her blog is: follow her.. she's pretty cool...

Datos personales


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