Yay! My first Blog!

ok… I’m new at this… I’ve never had a blog, though I have to admit I’ve thought about getting one several times. Why now, you might ask. Well, I have this friend who has a blog and she gets in touch with lots of authors through their blogs and also wins lots of free books, and that seemed like a good enough reason to have a blog. But then I started thinking… I want to be a writer and I have plenty of things in my head and nowhere to express them, so I thought a blog could be a good place… I must mention that I have tried keeping a diary and that has failed many times. Maybe, all I need is a different way of writing… Although, this is like the third time I’ve written this same blog, so maybe what I need is commitment… dunno… =P

Ok… this is it… my first blog! Hope it won’t be the last! >-<

P.S. The friend I mentioned before is Alannah... her blog is: allyversustime.blogspot.com follow her.. she's pretty cool...

1 comentarios:

ally dijo...

Yay! Finally =P! I'm your first follower :D!

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